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What are the eight types of digital marketing? • Z

Those who think that digital marketing is one type, one approach are wrong, in fact, there are 8 main categories of digital marketing, these categories include:

  1. Search Engine Optimization.
  2. Pay per click.
  3. Marketing through social media platforms.
  4. content marketing.
  5. email marketing.
  6. mobile marketing.
  7. Market analysis.
  8. and affiliate marketing.

Digital marketing is an essential part of any overall marketing strategy. Digital marketing allows companies to tailor their messages to appeal to specific audiences, making it possible to market directly to those who are most likely to buy or be interested in a company’s products or services.

Marketing researchers emphasize that modern digital marketing techniques and strategies must be compatible with traditional methods in order to integrate the marketing process and achieve goals.

What is Digital Marketing?

Before we delve into the types and categories of digital marketing, we must emphasize that digital marketing is a new trend in the marketing world and it relies on many methods and techniques to reach customers or consumers through the internet, so we can say that digital marketing mainly relies on the internet Marketing, through the Internet, companies can create a brand image and spread it more and more widely.

Although digital marketing may seem like a new science, it actually employs the same principles as traditional marketing. To be successful, it requires an understanding of marketing basics and technical knowledge of traditional marketing tools. We can never deny that digital media has enormous potential. The advantages. But the new channels of digital marketing can reach more audiences more effectively, so we can think of digital marketing as an update of traditional marketing concepts, concepts and methods.

What are the types of digital marketing?

Search Engine Optimization

The goal of this class is to make the company rank high in the results of search engines, especially the world-famous Google search engine. Simply put, this thing will greatly help increase the traffic of the website, so in order to achieve this purpose, marketing There are some rules tasks that people have to follow, these are known as SEO rules, which are some standards made by Google to improve the appearance of the theme in the search engine.

These rules are just simple algorithms by which search engines can read the text and index it to crawl your website, starting from choosing the right keywords to provide unique, exclusive, valuable and unrivaled Duplicated content, avoiding padding and padding, and of course using high-quality and original images, all of which will put your website in a better position and appear more likely to appear on the first page of search engines.

PPC pay per click

This method refers to pay-per-click for paid advertisements as well as promoted search results. This method is considered as a short-term form of digital marketing. Therefore, once the payment and financing are stopped, the advertising will not continue and the number of visits will decrease. This approach is great to start with and draw attention to your site, but it has to be paired with SEO-friendly content to keep the traffic going.

social media platform

This type of marketing includes everything a company does on its official accounts on social media platforms, so this task must be undertaken by someone who has the necessary knowledge of social media platforms and means, how to deal with them and the advantages of each of them Capabilities and competencies, dealing with these platforms here has to rely on a comprehensive approach and specific strategies, it’s not just about creating posts or replying to comments for social channels.

For efforts to be effective, efforts must be coordinated and not just a thought in a marketer’s head. In addition, it is imperative to use and rely on tools that help you release more smoothly and orderly. Publishing and marketing functions of these platforms. Check out the analytics that social media platforms give you, which makes them one of the most powerful tools in digital marketing, as they give you a clearer picture of how you interact with your publications, the nature of your interactors and their type, Age, or even changes in their position in the world, it also enables you to measure the quality of a publication’s performance to decide whether to continue with your current marketing plan or do you need to change it?

content marketing

It’s one of the most diverse forms of digital marketing, and we’re not exaggerating when we say it’s for everyone, but its success depends on putting the right content in the right place. Content here is a very large and elastic term as it includes audio, reading, and video content, be it pictures or clips, or podcast broadcasts, and many other available formats that require a great deal of knowledge, talent, and understanding What should be shown to the audience and what will really attract the audience. audience.


One of the best ways in digital marketing, considered the best way to reach your audience and make sure they know what you have to say, many companies rely on emails to specifically engage users; because there is a high likelihood that users will open that email, especially Yes if the email is written in such a way that the recipient desperately needs to see it and understand what was written.


This type of digital marketing focuses on marketing via smartphone or tablet, SMS or messaging on social media platforms, chat programs or email applications, and many other forms of messaging, including special offers and content for each user. Reaching the target audience, this type is often used after a user searches for a product or visits an online store, and of course, with the increase in smartphone use, these messages become better and stronger for the user.

Market analysis

Having good and accurate analytics and knowing how to interpret them can go a long way in helping marketers succeed in the marketing process and sometimes avoid failure when the marketing process isn’t going well. Fortunately, there are many tools that provide these analytics to To measure the success of marketing campaigns, the most famous tool is Google Analytics, which is also the most commonly used tool in marketing campaigns. This tool greatly helps to measure the performance of the website, the performance of keywords, the content that attracts users, and even the user’s performance on the website. navigation and how they use the site, all of this analysis can help you greatly improve your marketing campaigns, thereby improving the desired results.

affiliate marketing

One of the new forms of digital marketing that has emerged recently, relies on influencer marketing to create a connection between a company or store and its target audience, and uses commission marketing based on huge popularity, especially for content producers and influencers on social networks People can work with them, whether it’s a one-time payment or a percentage of every product sold, mostly using video clips to get a lot of views.

With the advent of image and video clip platforms such as YouTube, TikTok and Instagram, there has been increased interest in relying on influencers and commission marketing, these platforms have become one of the most important and widely used forms of social media platforms and are widely used. Use it for entertainment, news, and even shopping.

Digital marketing is a new term, no doubt a few years old, but it certainly depends on the traditional understanding of the marketing process. Success in digital marketing is important and brings enormous benefits to a business, so relying on it is no longer a luxury but an unavoidable necessity.

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