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Best Sites to Design Online Store Logos for Free • Z

Imagine a person walking in front of you, wearing some kind of clothing, with wireless headphones in your ears, a mask over your mouth, a bag on your back, and a phone in your hand. What’s wrong with you?

You will find yourself forming an initial image or impression of this person: full of confidence in yourself, knowing what you want, elegant, stable social connections. I see? That’s why it’s important to make a special logo (logo) for your online store. Here we will help you easily create a great logo for your online store without paying a lot of money.

What is the importance of a logo for an online store or e-commerce platform?

The logo represents the first impression of your brand and online store, expresses the impression of the trend, goal and essence of e-commerce, customers judge your brand impression by 1/10 second!

To clarify this, here are the important stats:

95% of people agree that first impressions are very important.

61% of people believe they can tell you’re fake by first impressions.

68% of people believe their first impressions of others are accurate.

Are you now sure of the value of a logo for your eCommerce project? Here are the essentials for designing a professional logo for your brand.

The Essential Elements of a Professional Logo

In fact, customers won’t understand exactly what your logo is saying because it’s the overall content that’s communicated to them through the combination of your brand logo that you’ve created. For example, instead of you looking for colors your clients love and using them to tint your logo, but a logo that expresses something real well, these are the elements we provide you with:

1- Express who you are

Who are you? Here’s the question customers want to know when they see your logo. Who are you? It goes deeper than just what your products are and how you sell them.

Your real identity depends on how you present your online store products. Your product is not the substance you provide; it’s the thing you provide. Rather, it is your brand message, purpose and direction, the unique experience you offer your customers, and the philosophy that guides your business.

In short, when customers see your logo, they should feel it all. But the customer won’t feel all this unless he represents him. how? let’s go..

2- Represent your clients

It is well known that online stores represent solutions to specific problems.

But it is not the same now, the customer is no longer looking for a specific product or service to solve a problem in his life; instead, the online store has become a social entity to which the customer belongs.

In short, brands must offer customers a solution to the loneliness that the capitalist system has left us with, or a real meaning in which we can live. You have to be everything he needs and wants; when he sees your logo, he feels that your brand is the expression.

3- Provides a competitive advantage

Why choose your online store? This is the question where customers stop. It might be your logo, expressing who you are and making customers feel represented, but other brands might have the same thing, so why you?

This is what competitive advantage provides. You offer something that your competitors cannot imitate, this characteristic could be your identity, a product, anything your competitors cannot offer others.

The following article will help you craft your logo message: Marketing to Millennials – Building an Identity.

Now you know the elements to build a logo. Here are the most important benefits that come with designing a professional logo for your online store.

The Benefits of Designing a Logo for an Online Store

If the logo doesn’t actually serve you or benefit your eCommerce, then all the text we wrote before can be thrown in the trash.

I think you’ve discovered some benefits, here are the most important:

1- attract attention

With all the strategies, plans, and promotional actions you make for your online store, the first goal is to get customers to pay attention to you.

The logo represents the product of all these processes, and it is the tool that compels the customer to pause and reflect.

Catching the attention of customers is the first and most important benefit of a logo, and grabbing attention means your brand logo is professional. Then you can convince customers to buy.

2- Spark the curiosity of potential customers

Your online store’s logo can’t just stop at grabbing customers’ attention, so they’ll stand next to it and applaud saying: how pretty! And off they go.

There must be some mystery that makes customers yearn to learn more about your brand, your business, and your online store.

The most important thing you should know about a man is that he likes to achieve results, not to prepare for them. When your tagline asks questions and knowledge, as you are saying to your customers, try to understand me if you can. When a customer reaches the score, they are already your customer.

3- Build brand loyalty

Your brand can have an identity and offer customers a unique experience and a unique product, but without something holistic that brings all these diasporas together, you won’t be able to retain customers.

Customers will stand up and say I don’t know who the hell I’m dealing with? !

That’s what logos give you; one cannot deal with diaspora. A man likes something that has some character, sign or name in front of him that he can deal with. He can hate him, love him, and be mad at him. But if your brand is a company, an online store, and employees, who do customers engage with? At this point you can understand the last benefit of this slogan:

4- Don’t forget

You now have no choice but to design a logo for your online store. Here are four websites for designing logos for your online store.

Websites for Designing Online Store Logos

The average monthly searches for the term “logo design” range from 10,000 to 100,000 in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates. And “logo design website” averages between 10-10k monthly searches.

We make it easy for you: there are few Arabic websites for logo design, so we provide you Four free Arabic-language websites to design a logo for your online store:

1 – Canvas

The site aims to be inclusive and innovative in logo design by:

More than 60 million users.

7 billion designs.

190 countries.

100 languages.

You get millions of options to design your online store logo.

2- Small SEO Tools

A website designed to lead a brand across search engines. You can get free unique online store logo designs that help you grow among potential customers.

3- Logo Maker

A website designed to achieve the exact logo design the client wanted, through

Speed ​​and ease.

More than 8,000,000 designs.

· Simple.

If you want to do the design you want, just choose the logo maker.

4-graphic spring

This website provides you with the easiest logos for your online store. You get a logo free of clutter and impact that doesn’t distract from the nature and identity of your brand.

I think you now have no choice but to design a logo for your online store and compete with confidence!