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Top Tips for Beginners in Blogger Blogging

2- Determine the content type

It gives you an opportunity to freely express yourself and your opinions in every way you want. You can write about whatever you want, whether you want to share your thoughts or talk about recent events. In addition, blogging allows you to communicate, exchange ideas and inquiries with an audience interested in your topic, thereby furthering your personal and professional development.
When you decide to start a successful blog, you must determine the type of content you want to write in your blog, you should consider your ability to write well and provide content that is different compared to similar sites, this It is very important, and it is serious and solemn that a blogger must commit to it and commit to following up his work. He must also identify and stick to the type of content, whether it is related to medicine, engineering, cooking, technology, or any other subject.

3- Choose an appropriate name for your blog

Choosing a catchy blog title is crucial to creating a successful blog. Many people think that choosing a blog name is not important, but this view is completely wrong. Instead, choosing an appropriate name for your blog and one that suits the content you offer is critical to maintaining the brand of your own project. You have to choose a suitable and simple name so that it is easy for the visitor to remember because he might like what you have to offer and forget your blog name so that he cannot find it again.

4- Choose a logo for your blog

After we explained to you the importance of choosing the right blog name in an article on creating a successful blog, we will now discuss the topic of logos. A logo is just as important as a blog name, and you must choose it correctly, format it, and design it to differentiate it from other sites on the Internet. According to reports, most website visitors remember it by the logo that the website owner places at the top of their website.

5- Choose the right template and design for your website

The most important thing about working on the WordPress or Blogger platform is to choose an organized and easy-to-use template because it is popular with search engines and visitors. If you want to improve your search results and get better rankings, you should choose a template that suits your visitors and is easy to use. Also, if you have web development skills like HTML, CSS, etc., this will definitely come in handy.
Having a development and design language for the web will allow you to feel at ease with the blog templates you will install and overcome any obstacles you may encounter related to coding and code written in the templates.

6- Find out what your audience and blog readers like

In an article on how to start a successful blog, this is a very important but not very interesting point for many people. But if you take it seriously, you will see its positive impact on your blog and traffic. Knowing who your blog’s regular visitors are through your Google Analytics account, and you can monitor the important keywords you use on your website to attract visitors.

7- Promote your own website or blog.

If you’re really interested in content and you choose it carefully and wisely — as we point out in our guide to creating a successful blog on the importance of choosing good content — then of course there’s an audience for that content, but maybe the Internet Users on the website don’t know enough about your site. Therefore, you should use advertising to introduce your services and content on social media, search engines and YouTube so that you can attract viewers and customers who are interested in what you have to offer.

Mistakes Bloggers Make That Fail Their Blogs

Some people face a lot of difficulty and intractability when deciding to start a successful blog because they have no experience in the field. In this context, we will mention some common mistakes that most new bloggers who start writing articles in their blogs make, but ignore the reasons that may cause their blog to fail, namely:

1- Give up and stop writing articles

A lot of people get into blogging through Blogger or WordPress, they create a successful blog and that’s their goal, but they stop writing and developing their site within 6 months, that’s very wrong, so you shouldn’t be discouraged, Don’t stop submitting content on your website because frustration may prevent you from creating a successful blog, you have to be patient, work hard, don’t rush to get traffic and profit, wait until your blog is filled with useful and successful information.

2- Unwanted addition of visitors

Many new bloggers find that they add a lot of options that do no good to their visitors and may even cause visitors to leave the site while browsing. Therefore, I recommend that you avoid adding unnecessary options to your blog that are not helpful to your visitors. These options can inconvenience your visitors and slow down your site, and while speed is one of the main reasons for getting great search results on your blog, slowdown can sometimes lead to failure.

3- Unreasonably increase the number of advertisements in the blog.

Many people think that the presence of a large number of advertisements on the website will increase profits, but this belief is wrong because the price of advertisements depends on the keywords used in the article or the type of content provided, not on the richness of the advertisements. I have to mention Unfortunately, the clutter of ads on your blog can be inconvenient for your visitors, especially Arabic visitors who hate too many ads. Also, it may cause you to violate the terms of creating a successful blog.

4- Fulfill our commitment to work on the blog permanently.

Don’t leave your blog because your blog doesn’t show up in search results or not many people visit it, this is normal for new bloggers to search engines. However, when creating a successful blog, we must continue to produce good content non-stop, if you are in a situation where you can’t write, try writing a post every week. Always remember that continuing to work is the main reason for success.

5- Accept other comments

When writing discussion articles, you must be fully aware that you may face huge backlash, because most people who strive to create a successful blog think that their articles may not get comments at all, but may face good, positive or Bad and negative comments, but you always have to tolerate other people’s opinions, especially if the information you provide is controversial.

6- Writing articles too often

All website beginners think that writing articles on your blog every day will make it one of the best blogs on the internet and this can be used to create a successful blog. This is wrong because writing too much can negatively affect your Health, especially when you sit hunched over in a chair, it affects your back and spine, you will feel that writing articles has a negative impact on your health and mental state, so I suggest you schedule time to write articles so as not to affect your health.