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What is graphic design and the most important types of graphic design in the labor market

If you’re asking what graphic design is and want to know more about its history, its origins, and areas of graphic design such as infographics and video graphics, you’ll want to read this article about graphic design, its types and fields .

It can be said that graphic design is a creative content created by a designer or a group of designers after the customer communicates with him and gives the specifications of the content he needs.

Often, a client needs this content to deliver a message or set of messages to his audience, or to establish a visual identity for a business, which is crucial for companies with long-term goals.

The term graphic design encompasses many technical and professional disciplines that focus on methods of visual communication and presentation.

When we delve into the art of graphic design, we find that many other areas of marketing rely on it, whether digital or traditional, such as magazines, advertising and packaged products.

For example, a group of products may need to design a logo expressing it and have it printed on the packaging of these products.

Like any other work of art, graphic design depends on many elements, including organized text, choosing the right font, and some pure design elements such as shape and color, which will form a product in a template.

In the rest of our articles on graphic design, we’ll delve a little deeper into this very interesting and lucrative field, and we’ll provide examples and practical uses where you might find something that can improve your life.

This way you will not only know what graphic design is, but also how and where it is used and how you can benefit from it in various fields, but for now let’s get started.

Graphic Design and Graphic Design Fields

For example, if you go back to a list of videos you liked on YouTube and want to know how those videos relate to
You will find that your appreciation is often not tied to specific things, and that all the elements of these videos, such as the subject matter and pictures you present, and maybe the fonts and colors, are consistent and harmonious with each other to give a scene like no other , attracting the recognition and admiration of many followers, of which you are one.
From here, you can easily understand how important the use of graphic design is in the general marketing field and in the general digital marketing field. Quality content is considered one of the most important factors in the success of blogs, YouTube channels, and other sources of internet profit.
If you agree with us, join us to learn what graphic design is, what its types are, the differences between them, and the programs used to create graphic designs.

What is graphic design or what is the field of graphic design?

Motion graphics are animations, but with a slight difference, in that text or captions are a major part of graphic design.
It can also be said that it is an animation-mediated interpretation in the form of video clips, since they share a common ground. Discussions about the boundaries between graphic design and classic animation are not new. Instead, the world of explanation, educational video, and advertising began with the advent of motion graphics.
Graphic design is used to facilitate the easiest way for viewers to access ideas, while deepening the ideas in their minds by connecting them to stories that can be remembered and re-imagined.

Uses and Fields of Graphic Design:

By answering the question, what is graphic design, you must know that it has many potentially infinite uses, and each of these uses can be said to be a type of graphic design.
To learn more, we’d like to give you more of the types and uses you might come across in your day-to-day life, but it could be one of the skills that lands you a job at one of the big marketing or technology firms.

1. Create your brand with graphic design

The development of media and communication methods has led to major changes in various fields, and has also affected the building of brands and awareness. Previously, relying on the traditional means of television, radio, and perhaps magazines and newspapers to build a brand, through songs and promotional clips, or perhaps expressive images and advertisements.

However, after the popularity of social media, a change has resulted in brand building through tools and means that are suitable and adapted to the group of social media users. What increases the chances of graphic design appearing and spreading, big companies look for creative motion graphic designers who can create the best clips that get more appreciation and thus spread the brand more.

2. The application of graphic design in shaping collective consciousness and social consciousness

There are many reasons for choosing graphic design in the formation of a collective consciousness: the most important is that the cost of making a video using motion graphics is much lower than shooting a video if the money that has to be paid to the actors, director and cameraman is small. calculate.
Also, if we compare the simplicity of animated graphics with the possibility of modifying them to suit all cultures and societies, the transmission of ideas. As a result, awareness and advocacy groups and others have relied on graphic design to spread awareness and share ideas.

3. Use graphic design in explanation

The reach of explainer video is no secret to anyone, whether for educational or marketing purposes, but motion graphics and graphic design play perhaps the widest and most successful role in the field.
Since any teacher or company owner has access to explanations that can be viewed by the target group (students or clients) in an unlimited number, supported by images that support the preservation and consolidation of published ideas.

4. The use of graphic design in the field of stories

Short stories are one of the classic art forms, but graphic design seems to give this art some vitality and renewal, and the stories can be accompanied by wonderful animations to make the stories more interesting.

5. Application of graphic design in marketing

Marketing products through graphic design has many advantages over other marketing methods. Product videos are a great way to get your products in front of customers and increase sales.

Graphic design can help to make interesting, entertaining and engaging product videos cheaper than making classic animations and bring customers something new and different, making your products more popular.

best graphic design software

You can use animation to bring a little life and energy to a presentation or video in a variety of contexts.
Or maybe make an infographic video to add a little life to dull stats and numbers and make them less rigid by adding some animated graphics.

And use graphic design in your videos to share on social media, as animation is great for getting your point across or communicating the benefits of your service or product.

You can follow this link to learn about 6 best motion graphics programs and explain their specifications and features.
We took a brief look at what graphic design is and its most important types and uses. If you are interested in this field and want to learn about it, please drop us a line and we will publish more articles about this interesting and lucrative field.