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Names of churches that accept sponsorship in Canada

Names of churches that accept sponsorship in Canada

There are many churches that provide refugee or Canadian sponsorship services within the State of Canada, the most important of which are the following:

  • The Roman Catholic Diocese of Thunder Bay.
  • Peterborough Diocese Roman Catholic Church.
  • Roman Catholic Bishopric Company, London
  • Canadian Unity Church.
  • Presbyterian Church in Canada.
  • Church of Saint Mary the Ethiopian Virgin.
  • Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Calgary.
  • Thunder Bay Roman Catholic Archdiocese.

How can I find out which churches sponsor in Canada?

Sponsorship offers in Canada are not limited to churches and sponsorships are provided through mosques, associations and churches in Canada, and anyone can know the organizations and associations religion provides funding for refugees in Canada by visiting the funding agency’s page on Canada’s Department of Immigration website by clicking here link .

Check out this indicator Immigrant Guarantee for Canada: Terms and Amount Required for Guarantee in Your Account

Types of guarantees in Canada

The Church in Canada offers a variety of sponsorships tailored to each refugee, including the following:

  • first type : during which a grant program is presented to persecuted refugees in their country who are afraid to return to their land.
  • The second type : during which a grant program is provided to refugees fleeing their country due to war or any other natural disaster.

Conditions for receiving guarantee at the church

There are a number of conditions set forth by the Synod of Churches in Canada regarding refugee assistance in order to organize this issue and promote the maximum good for all, including:

  • The refugee or sponsored person must be outside of Canada and outside his country of origin, i.e. in any other country than the above two.
  • The sponsor must bear the expenses of the refugee for a period of not less than one year.
  • The sponsor should provide housing for the sponsored person and his family if he has a family.
  • The sponsor must have Canadian citizenship and live permanently in Canada, or the sponsor must have a permanent residence in Canada.
  • The sponsor is not required to be a Christian, but the church funding system accepts all religions and funding is not limited to churches, but mosques in the United States. Canada offers this type of funding.

How to apply for a guarantee

There are many ways to get church sponsorship in Canada, including:

Check out this 2019 church sponsorship portfolio: all you need to know about church funding in Canada

normal presentation

  • Refugees learn the names of churches that accept church sponsorship in Canada.
  • He sought out one of his acquaintances and asked him to apply for church asylum through him.
  • After completing the application process and the ward prepares the sponsor documents, the person is sent to the church to complete the declarations and complete the data.
  • During the application and approval period, the church is looking for a suitable sponsor to sponsor the person under their care.

electronic submission

  • Visit the website of each Canadian donor church.
  • Then petitions are filed at each church.
  • One of the churches is waiting for a response, and he or she begins to prepare official papers and documents to document the bail.
  • In general, most churches do not accept applications without a related guarantor located outside of Canada to financially support the sponsored person.

Advantages of church sponsorship in Canada

Church funding in Canada offers many more benefits to individuals, the most prominent of which are the following:

  • The church takes on the task of connecting you with any official authority to complete all your transactions with ease.
  • It provides you with suitable accommodation for you and your family members, if they are staying with you, and of course, at the guarantor’s expense.
  • Any problems that may arise between you and the guarantor are resolved.
  • In the event that the sponsor violates the terms of the guarantee, another sponsor will be available for you.
  • Speed ​​of church asylum proceedings.
  • An official and easy way to get to Canada.

View this index Asylum to Canada through sponsorship.. Why the law of sponsorship doesn’t apply to everyone

The names of churches that accept church grants in Canada abound and a request for funding was submitted by someone in Canada after expressing a desire to sponsor someone outside of Canada.