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Emotional Marketing...what is it and how can you benefit from it for profit? • Z

Emotional Marketing…Have you ever seen an ad and been attracted by what it has to offer, then purchased the product advertised when you didn’t actually need it nor plan to buy it?

If you’ve ever been caught up in this feeling, make sure you’re not alone, as we all often experience a strong urge to buy a product after seeing it advertised, but the question here is… what’s the explanation for that?

Just being emotionally motivated to buy the product

So what is emotional marketing? What strategies can be relied upon to increase sales and realize profits? This is what we explain in detail in the next few lines.

Emotional marketing…what is it?

Emotional marketing relies on trying to persuade customers to buy products through emotions, that is, to create a desire to buy by establishing connections and emotions between customers and products. It is one of the ancient marketing methods. It has been used in many forms for a long time. It is worth noting that this emotion can be positive or negative depending on the strategy you follow, which we will explain in detail.

emotional marketing strategy

According to marketing experts, there are many types of emotional marketing strategies that can encourage customers to buy any product by influencing their emotions, these strategies are:

1. Fear of losing

The first and most effective method of emotional marketing is to make the customer feel that if he does not get the product soon, he will lose it. Perhaps the best-known example of this strategy is what happened on Black Friday, when people raced to buy a ton of products, even ones they didn’t need right now, but bought them for fear of losing them.

Another form of fear of loss that you can use in marketing is announcing that you are selling a low number of products. Here, the customer fears that they might need the product in the future and won’t be able to get it because it’s depleted, prompting them to get it now.

2. Greed for more

Let me explain this emotional marketing strategy to you with a personal example. Once I was looking for a particular necklace and when I found it in a store I decided to buy it immediately. After perusing the product pages, I found out that if I bought a bracelet and necklace, I got half price, plus the nail polish as a gift, is free, I actually only need the necklace, but because people tend to love more, so I chose the entire show.

This marketing approach targets me, as a customer, thinking I can only get more of a product if I buy one more thing I really want.

3. Jealousy

This strategy exploits one of the most important emotions in the human psyche, the desire to be different and look good. So when a customer acquires a product that makes him feel different, whether by emphasizing that the product is made in a certain way or contains one of the features that competing products lack, then acquiring it gives you more than that. Higher competitive value of other products. others.

4. Belonging to a specific group

People like to belong to certain groups and each group is based on their life orientation and beliefs. There are people who want to belong to a particular football team and see them buy products with that team’s logo on it, and others who want to belong to a particular writer’s fans and followers and start buying on his or her behalf All products of Ideas. So this approach relies on knowing your target audience very precisely so you can understand their interests and then offer products that make them feel like they really belong to that group.

5. “Altruism” for the benefit of others

Here, emotional marketing relies on enhancing a person’s feeling that when he purchases a particular product, he will not only benefit from it, but will also help or bring benefits to others. Perhaps this is obvious, for example, a company announces that in exchange for a certain amount of sales, the company will donate a portion of the profits to hospitals to treat children etc., or to help those in need. Here, the customer feels he has a moral responsibility to those around him, which encourages him to buy the product.

6. Demonstrate consequences

In contrast to the fear of loss strategy (which relies somewhat on intimidating customers of losing the product), this strategy is based on proving that you can get real value in that product if you get it, and showing the bad consequences if you don’t get it. It can be relied upon to remind them of the mistakes and difficulties they have faced in the past, and could only have been avoided if this product was by his side.

7. Confidence

This method is one of the best because it is easily vindicated as it depends on enhancing the customer’s feeling that you are a trusted source and that your product will not be obtained from anywhere else. You can rely on your previous clients, your age, your experience in the field and that really shows the trust your clients have in you.

Now that we have finished the emotional marketing strategy, we can say that although this marketing method is not a modern marketing method, it is very effective and reliable as long as you choose the right strategy and choose the right marketing method, and you can achieve more Make more sales and make a profit easily. Best way to implement it.

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