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Its definition and the most important things an online store manager needs to know • Z

Given the importance of information and customer data shared through eCommerce platforms, all marketers are resorting to using HTTPS protocol to increase security during credit card payment process, as all customers are concerned about sharing their private data, so customers turn to the most secure The most secure e-commerce platform, believe them, as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s economy has grown to 2.1%, leading to the recent expansion of e-commerce business, so the use of HTTPS has become more and more important now is not only to increase the number of e-commerce websites Security, among other reasons, which we’ll get to later.

What is HTTPS?

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is also known as a stateless protocol for transferring resources on the Internet. It is an insecure system by which users send information between web browsers and websites. The security of HTTPS is well supported by what is called “Transport Layer Security (TSL). Formerly known as SSL, it helps protect personal user data such as credit card numbers, passwords, and addresses. It is the primary and most widespread method of transferring data over the World Wide Web. The main goal it was built to find a way to publish and receive HTML pages.

What is the difference between https and http?

https is a secure version of the http protocol, which can be distinguished as follows:

  • The http link address in the browser address bar starts with http://, and the https link address starts with https://.
  • Compared to HTTP, http is not secure.
  • http sends data over port 80, while https uses port 443.
  • There is no SSL certificate in http, but https requires you to have an SSL certificate signed by a CA.
  • http does not require domain name verification, while https requires at least domain name verification, some certificates and legal document verification.
  • There is no encryption in the http protocol, but when using the https protocol, the data will be encrypted before transmission.

Why do eCommerce websites need an SSL certificate?

Ecommerce websites require SSL certificates to keep customer data safe, not share it with third parties, verify website ownership, and prevent fraudsters from creating counterfeit copies of the website. Online stores increase user confidence.

An online store with an SSL certificate has a high level of security because:

  1. Cryptographic Guarantees: SSL/TLS encryption is possible due to the association of public and private keys, where the client obtains the public key needed to open a TLS connection from the server’s SSL certificate.
  2. verify: An SSL certificate verifies that the client is communicating with the correct server that actually owns the domain, which helps prevent domain spoofing and other types of fraud.
  3. HTTPS URLs require an SSL certificate: For an online store, the most important thing is the HTTPS header because it is a secure form of HTTP, and an HTTPS website is one whose traffic is encrypted via SSL/TLS.

What’s the most important thing a store manager needs to know about HTTPS?

1. Using the HTTPS protocol can improve your appearance in the Google search engine

In 2014, Google started using HTTPS as a ranking signal because it recognized the importance of security and publicly advocated the use of HTTPS on the Internet. Basically, Google wants to make it easier to find secure websites on the internet, giving HTTPS a bigger advantage. Websites and the newly created Google initially only affected 1% of global searches, so Google took more action in 2015, showing how HTTPS works, and how it can break the link between equal sites.

This means that if two websites have the same quality of content, the website using the HTTPS protocol will rank higher, which means that using the more secure protocol will set you apart from your competitors. In 2016, it was found that HTTPS had a strong relationship with search engine rankings, and finally in 2018, Google issued a warning that it took the use of HTTPS very seriously to improve SEO impact, so security-critical measures should be taken.

2. Increase customer confidence in e-commerce sites

Recently, Chrome started marking sites that don’t use the HTTPS protocol as unsafe with an unattractive red icon. Don’t use HTTPS, it will lead to loss of sales and conversions, because customers don’t trust the online store, which is classified as insecure.

A survey conducted in 2016 found that 84% of users will stop buying if their online store is not secure, so it is important to choose a secure hosting provider when creating an online store.

Without HTTPS, you risk losing online store customers, distrust, and visitor anxiety when credit card data is shared.

3. Secure your online store

HTTPS provides a secure browsing and shopping experience by encrypting data, which makes it difficult for fraudsters to steal information when transacting through an online store because the data is passed between multiple computers and can be viewed by anyone without using the HTTPS protocol. Meaning that using HTTPS will preserve sensitive data such as login IDs, home addresses, credit card details, and personal information.

It also works to protect merchants and their customers from fraud and impersonation and ensure that every transaction comes from the same person as customers can be subject to fraud which happens when someone creates a fake website to collect personal information about users This is the case with credit cards, for example.

The “https://” address bar and the small padlock symbol in the address bar indicate an HTTPS connection, and while it’s not 100% guaranteed, it’s more secure than a website using HTTP, so you can know that HTTPS significantly reduces the security of a website. The stakes are high, it is very difficult for thieves to hack your website, and Google has switched ranking factors, which helps your online store appear in search results, and this thing helps customers a lot, so they can spend during the holidays Find your online store, especially when the holidays are over and users scroll through the top five results.

Switching to HTTPS can avoid your online store from being marked as insecure in bright red, the presence of insecurity will reduce customer confidence in your online store, thus reducing traffic and you will lose sales, so use HTTPS to avoid your online store Address bar links appear insecure and can also allow customers to find you in the off-season.

In order for you to be successful in the eCommerce world, it is necessary to investigate the security of your online store as it is the source of customer confidence, the engine that supports in-store purchases and the importance of security for the security components, all leading to this means must be used, such as using the HTTPS protocol.

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