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Explain Bing Webmaster Tools and how to use it

If you are thinking about making your website visible on the Bing search engine and improving its ranking on the results pages, then Bing Webmaster Tools is an essential tool. So what is Bing Webmaster Tools? and how to use it?

What is Bing Webmaster Tools?

Bing Webmaster Tool is a Microsoft development tool that provides you with an integrated tool to add your website to their search engine called Bing. Becomes one of the main tools for displaying website pages in search engines and provides a set of reports to track this and other important aspects.

Notably, it is similar to the Google Search Console tool for the Google search engine, providing you with all of the following features or services:

  • Check for indexing and user experience issues within the site via email.
  • Add pages and articles and get them indexed in the Bing search engine.
  • Familiarize yourself with all the ins and outs of website performance reporting.
  • Determine the number of archived pages that appear in search engines.

Why do I need to use Bing Webmaster Tools?

There are many reasons why Bing Webmaster Tools should be your first choice to market your website and drive more traffic, as follows:

1- Bing is second only to Google

It should not be forgotten that the Bing search engine ranks second in the global ranking after the Google search engine. This means that you have a good chance of getting a lot of traffic from this search engine, which you can later turn into conversions or sales within your website. For context, Bing has 1.3 billion visitors and 12 billion searches per month.

2- Make sure your website appears in the Bing search engine

While your website name can be searched in the Bing search engine, you can quickly and accurately know whether search spiders are crawling inside your website without having to constantly check the search engine.

3- Monitoring the performance of the website

Another important thing is that you will have the opportunity to monitor the performance of the website from the control panel, which gives you the opportunity to see the number of clicks, the visibility in the Bing search engine, and even the impact of ranking the website, as well as what you have done on the website The impact of the improvements made.

4- Link Disclaimer

Additionally, Bing Webmaster Tools gives you a dedicated section for tracking and disavowing internal and external links. In other words, if a notorious site is pointing to yours, you can easily disavow its link before it negatively affects your site’s ranking.

5- Index the pages of the website

In Bing Webmaster Tools, you can index all pages of your website by entering and requesting indexing, which enables you to take advantage of this opportunity and quickly display your website on the results page. As a result, the traffic to the website increases exponentially.

Bing Webmaster Tools User Interface Instructions

In this part of the article, we’ll explain the user interface of Bing Webmaster Tools to see how you can use it to improve your site’s ranking on the results pages:

– major

In the Home section, Bing webmasters display a set of detailed summary reports about your site’s performance in the Bing search engine.

Bing Webmaster Tools

search performance

Gain insight into your site’s search engine performance, enabling you to view impressions, clicks, and click-through rates.

View website address

If you have an article or a page that you want to make sure it appears in the Bing search engine, this section allows you to see if it appears on the results page and if it has been indexed by the search spiders. In the same context, you can directly request that these pages be indexed to increase the speed at which they appear in search engines.

site browser

Gives you a quick view of the status of your site, including links, crawl information, and more.

site map

A sitemap is the only way for the Bing spider to quickly access your content and archive it for display on results pages. It is also primarily involved in reporting content updates to search engines for quick content modification.

From this section, you can add them and see exactly all the reports and their details, which allows you to find warnings, files that need modification, etc.

Bing Webmaster Tools

index now

This section allows you to easily request site indexing and notify search engines of your site’s latest content.

Bing Webmaster Tools

SEO section

Everything related to your site’s ranking in search engines can be found in this section, including backlinks, keywords, reports, and site surveys.

Tools and Improvements

Through it, you will be able to test robots files related to indexing your site and preventing pages from being accessed by search spiders. Also check out the ping bot tool.

Security and Privacy

If you have removed a page or content from the Bing search engine, you will be notified in this section.

Bing webmaster tools explained

How to add a site to Bing Webmaster

If you have a website and want it to appear on the Bing search engine results pages, then you need to add your website to Bing Webmaster Tools. In the next few lines we’ll explore with you the steps to allow this:

First, you need to visit Bing Webmaster Tools via this link:

Click Start.

Sign in with your Google or Microsoft email or with Facebook.

In the next step, you have two options, either add your site link directly in Webmaster Tools, or retrieve your site data from Google Webmaster (if you have previously added your site to it).

Bing Webmaster Tools

After that, select the HTML META TAG option and copy the code, then go to your website’s control panel and paste the code in the head tag.

When you’re done, select Verify below and you’re done adding your site to Bing Webmaster Tools.

How to request indexing of articles or pages

This step allows you to easily request indexing of articles within your site so that they can be quickly displayed on the results page. This is important, especially for news site engines that deal with urgent and important news and expect traffic from Google Search.

  • All you have to do is go to Bing Webmaster Tools.
  • Click Check URL Options.
  • Then enter the link to the page or article you want to be indexed, and select the option to request indexing below.

How to disavow backlinks

Backlinks are references or links you get from other websites, these backlinks are very useful and can increase your website’s reliability to users and search engines, but they can be damaging to a website, especially if your website is reputable Good site citations are good sites, to remedy this you have to reject them, you can do this in Bing Site Manager by:

  • Go to Bing Webmaster Tools and click Backlinks.
  • Select the Disavow link option.
  • Enter the website link you’d like to disavow, then select Reject at the bottom.

Tips for using Bing Webmaster Tools

Using Bing’s webmaster tools is complicated, especially if you don’t have enough experience or knowledge, in the next few lines we’ll discuss a set of tips that can allow you to benefit from this tool, namely:

  • Determine your purpose for using the tool: First, you should understand the purpose and end goal of adding your site to Bing Webmaster Tools. Do you just want to show the site in search engines, see how it ranks and what keywords it appears in, or just speed up the indexing of your pages?
  • train yourself: The most appropriate way to improve your ability to use the tool is to train yourself to use it and review the information shared about it, whether it is through a video or an article like the one you are reading right now.
  • Make sure to always check the reports: Reports are your only window into how your site is performing in search engines, and ignoring them means not improving your site’s rankings or understanding how your site appears to your users.

In summary, this is an explanation of Bing Webmaster Tools and how to use them so that you can easily add your site and improve its ranking in the Bing search engine, which can help drive more traffic and achieve your marketing goals.

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