twenty-eighth meeting of the conference of the parties
The UAE has placed international trade issues on the agenda of the twenty-eighth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), which will be held in the UAE in November and December. In December, for the first time since the conference was held.
The UAE delegation to the WTO announced this at the Trade and Environment Committee meeting, noting that during the UAE’s presidency of the “COP28”, a day has been reserved for trade, especially in terms of its role as a facilitator. Climate-smart growth, including the adoption of technology, digitalization, and trade and investment tools to enhance the flexibility of trade chains.
This was subsequently confirmed by Dr. Sultan bin Ahmad Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and President-designate of the Conference of the Parties “COP28”, in a message to the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change . , during his participation in the Brussels climate action ministerial late last week.
The Ministry of Economy and the COP28 Presidency will co-lead the Trade Committee with the WTO Secretariat during the next COP.
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the International Chamber of Commerce, the World Economic Forum and the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development have also been invited to help shape discussions on trade within the COP28 presidency.
The coalition, the first of its kind set up in the context of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, was established to promote the use of business and investment tools to deliver solutions to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
It also seeks to ensure equitable access to global supply chains for all, which will support the growth of small and micro businesses in all countries, especially those in the South.
Dr. Sultan Ahmed Jaber said: “The COP28 presidency is working in accordance with the leadership’s vision and guidance, facing challenges with a positive attitude and seeing climate action as an opportunity to achieve sustainable economic and social growth. , and bring about a positive impact.” International trade is an important tool to accelerate climate action and a major driver of economic growth, job creation and improvement of people’s livelihood. The results work towards and accelerate concrete and effective climate action. “
Dr. Sani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Minister of State for Foreign Trade, said that making trade the main focus of the “COP28” conference reflects the UAE’s commitment to provide realistic and implementable solutions.
Al-Zeyoudi added: “As a global supply chain hub, the UAE recognizes that the international trade community can play an important role in supporting the energy transition and achieving sustainable global growth through the adoption of technology and digitalization. We look forward to the future – key ideas during COP28 Yes, can provide a smarter, faster, more inclusive and sustainable trading system, especially for MSMEs in developing countries, from developing and adopting new technologies to building compatibility to ensure the integration of global supply chains , the UAE welcomes the opportunity to lead a fundamental shift in international trade.”
Ahmed Jassim Al-Zhabi, Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development, emphasized that the inclusion of trade in the agenda of the “COP28” conference confirms the UAE’s strong commitment to reshape the future of global trade. achieve sustainable development goals.
Al Zaabi said: “The UAE recognizes that mitigating the impacts of climate change is a major catalyst for sustainable social and economic development. As such, the country adopts a smart and circular economy strategy that encourages the full flow of trade and supply chain efficiency, and adopts the latest trade Technological innovations have created new opportunities for exporters.” Based on its role as a catalyst for Abu Dhabi’s economic growth and diversification, the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development continues to work hard to enhance the emirate’s commercial status, open up new horizons, enhance its role as a global trade and Competitiveness of investment centers.
Al Zaabi noted that ahead of COP28, Abu Dhabi will host the eighth session of UNCTAD’s World Investment Forum, paving the way for policymakers to come together to address challenges and reach agreement on prominent trade-related global issues that will be included in COP28. Discussions and dialogues on .
WTO Director-General Dr Ngozi Okongo-Iweala said trade must be a key component of any climate change dialogue.
“Trade is often the missing link when tackling the climate crisis, but at (COP28), the UAE, which hosts the conference this year, is keen to put trade on the agenda,” she said. As the only international body dealing with trade rules between economies, We want to encourage world leaders to work together to use trade policy and trade facilitation to expand trade in environmental goods and services, accelerate decarbonization of supply chains, and make them more inclusive and resilient to climate shocks.”
UNCTAD Secretary-General Rebecca Greenspan highlighted the development benefits of trade and its positive impact on sustainable development and global commitments to reduce carbon emissions.
“Trade is a powerful catalyst for inclusive growth and poverty reduction. UNCTAD is pleased to be working with the trade, climate and environment communities at COP 28 to make this happen,” she said, And create a multilateral trading system that helps to combat climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution etc. Also identify opportunities for trade, investment, innovation and entrepreneurship that benefit women, youth and MSMEs.
Niu Huaihuai, director of the World Economic Forum’s Center for Nature and Climate, applauded the initiative, saying: “The scale of the climate crisis urgently requires commitment, creativity and collective action. COP28 will provide an important global platform for governments, industry and civil society.” Society leaders assess progress and have the opportunity to identify a clear path forward to drive action quickly and at scale. By including trade in the plan, the UAE President is demonstrating a pragmatic, pragmatic climate solution that links public policy innovation with the private sector. “
ICC Secretary General John Denton said: “We commend the UAE’s forward-looking vision and leadership as the COP28 presidency during this year’s climate summit with a special focus on trade. We think this is a great conference.” We also look forward to working with Partnering to create a trade day with high impact and potential for action during COP28 and inviting our network of companies large and small to participate in discussions. “
The UAE will host “COP28” from November 30 to December 12, 2023, and host the 13th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization in February 2024. The country confirmed that “COP28” will provide important support for the multilateral trading system. Opportunity is at the center of sustainable and equitable growth as well as the popular discourse.
As one of the world’s leading trade hubs, the UAE is keen to lead negotiations on improving the efficiency of global supply chains, modern technology and low-carbon solutions.
The WTO Secretariat has released the 2022 World Trade Report to explore the complex relationship between climate change and international trade, and reveal how international trade and trade rules can make positive contributions to addressing climate change.