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TikTok Content Marketing: How to Use It to Improve Your Business

TikTok Content Marketing: How to Use It to Improve Your Business

How TikTok content marketing can use it to improve your business

Consciously or not, everyone comes across situations where they interact with TikTok videos. It doesn’t matter if you like the platform or not, but I bet you can’t ignore the platform. Open any media you like; of course, your eyes will fall on at least one of the videos shared by TikTok users. Well, TikTok is a brand new social media app that has captured the hearts of millions of users; the impact of her presence on the world today.

Additionally, the popularity of the platform is skyrocketing, with great potential to increase engagement rates. This shows that TikTok is a great fit for business owners and marketers. It has 689 million monthly active users and 2 billion downloads, did you know that? This platform is bigger than Twitter and Pinterest.

Content is king and it’s everything on TikTok; planning the right content marketing is important if you want to grow your business. Furthermore, to enjoy the full benefits of TikTok for your business, you need to develop a concrete strategy for promoting your products and brand.

In this article, you’ll find some helpful guidelines to improve your content marketing to boost your business on TikTok.

let’s start

What is Douyin?

It’s an entire video-sharing app known for its lip-synching and funny dance videos that grab the public’s attention. Many of them think TikTok is only for Gen Z, but it has become an addictive platform for young people and people of all ages.

Why Content Marketing Is Crucial for Businesses

TikTok has become a competing platform to existing social media such as Instagram and Snapchat. Creator content and brand content are very attractive and unique; this is why they are favored by short videos. TikTok’s download numbers suggest engagement.

On TikTok, content creators can organically build large audiences, and many brands are entering the platform with their content strategies. With so many opportunities, many brands are looking to TikTok to increase their ROI, even big brands like Hismile, NFL, and Washington are looking to build huge audiences through TikTok.

Platforms like Facebook and Instagram have shifted to paid media, and TikTok offers brands many exciting opportunities to grow their business organically. That’s why you need to think about your content strategy on TikTok.

Generally speaking, most of the engaging content on TikTok is on “for you” pages, such as the Instagram Discover Feed page. It has huge potential to impact the overall engagement rate of the content you receive.

Getting featured on your page is a bit tricky; with the help of these tips, you can get your video on that page, which can help boost your branding.

create original content

You might think that the idea of ​​creating original content might seem redundant, but it really isn’t, as TikTok doesn’t like seeing duplicate or overused content. You should be different from others, not follow someone else’s pattern. Stick to your style and style, even if you’re offering the same thing. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t remake other people’s videos, but you should showcase the creativity and originality of your videos.

In fact, being yourself will make people rely on your account and your brand even more. Remembering to be yourself means bringing out your brand personality and creating more natural and spontaneous content. This way, you can share more untold truths about your brand that the public has never experienced before. Do more behind the scenes to express your brand’s voice and personality. Trust me; your originality can help you stand out from the crowd and beat your competition.

keep it short and sweet

A study showed that nearly 45% of users aged 16-24 spend an average of 8 seconds on a TikTok video. In fact, it’s slightly shorter than millennials, who have an attention span of 12 seconds. Regardless, TikTok allows users to create videos of up to 60 seconds in length, but it’s best to keep videos under 15 seconds. With proper editing, high-quality video is essential. It doesn’t matter if your video is 8 seconds or 15 seconds, but your job is to keep viewers watching all of your content. This is because viewer viewing time is critical. When you have higher watch time, TikTok pushes your videos to many new viewers. In addition, you have the opportunity to visit the “For You” page.

So try to fit all your points into 15 seconds or you can split it into multiple video clips to share your thoughts. Guaranteed to be within 2-3 videos; you must fully complete your concept. Remember, get the point right; in fact, that’s exactly what people want from your videos. It helps to consume a lot in a short period of time.

First, determine your audience’s attention span, then plan your video accordingly.

Embrace trending videos and viral challenges

The Discover tab will show you what your viewers watch most often. Also, on the For You page, people get videos based on their interests and what they’ve watched before. At the same time, that doesn’t mean people won’t like or comment on hot and funny videos. If you notice any common challenges, see if they are a good fit for your brand. This is your chance to fit your brand into this trending challenge. It helps your brand exposure.

An easy way to grab your audience’s attention is to use popular songs in your niche. Just like trending challenges, viral videos, and popular hashtags, if you are relevant to your content when people search for it using those specific hashtags, your video will show up.

When you plan to create content, get into trends as soon as possible because they have a short lifespan. On TikTok, embrace everything that’s popular: songs, videos, challenges, hashtags, and music; because of its ability to instantly garner attention and engagement. So, think wisely to improve your business growth.

follow share

Engagement is a key factor in driving traffic to content on social media, and TikTok is no exception. As a business owner, you have to find the right way to attract the attention of the public. If you’re seeing low engagement on your videos, you should know how to get TikTok likes to increase engagement, exposure, and visibility for your videos.

In this way, you can easily and effectively promote your business or brand. First, identify topics that generate buzz or excitement among your audience. Check what type of content your audience likes to watch the most and their preferences. These actions help create content according to their wishes. This way, you can get more video engagement.

Keep Consistency and Relevant Content

If you run a business account on TikTok, posting content related to your business or brand is a must. At the very least, your content promotes your business directly or indirectly. First, define your target niche, learn about it, and then plan your content types accordingly. When it comes to TikTok, you have plenty of content ideas for your business. For example, behind-the-scenes footage, how-to videos, tutorials, information sharing, comedy skits, and inspirational videos. Be smart about incorporating your work into these content ideas. Avoid posting too much promotional content, which might seem false or annoy your audience. You can even offer giveaways and contests to give your brand instant exposure.

Of course, consistency plays an important role in the success of your business on TikTok. Post at least one or two videos regularly to your feed. Know when your audience is active and schedule your videos for that time. Remember, relevance is crucial when creating content for your business.


TikTok is a great place to build a strong community for your business; in fact, this platform is all about community. Create content on TikTok that will make your audience laugh, cry, gasp and more. Therefore, it is a two-way communication platform. By liking, sharing and commenting, people can show their engagement with your videos.

Just like that, people won’t engage with your content unless you start first. That is, post more content to increase your engagement rate, and then encourage people to comment on your posts. One trick to increase your comment rate is to reply to your audience’s comments. Make more live videos and have Q&A sessions with the audience. Connect with people who are interested in your niche and belong to your industry to build a good relationship with your community. We value the actions your audience takes on your content, and we value their presence. Doing these things will help create a lasting connection with your audience.

create your own identity

Building your own identity on TikTok is not a difficult task unless you have some strategy. Try to identify and embrace the strengths, values ​​and characteristics of your brand or business. Then, project your brand’s voice and personality into every content you create. Fix the perfect theme or background for your video. You can use your brand or product colors as background. Making these efforts will help create your own identity and make your brand stand out.

Use analytics to improve your results

With a TikTok Pro account, you gain unique insight into how your content is performing and in-depth details about your audience. It not only provides key demographic data, but also audience interest and engagement rates. You can take a data-driven approach to developing your content strategy.

For example, when you track the scores of high-performing content, you can see which users are most engaged. So next time, you can focus on that group of users and create content for them.

Plus, if you pay close attention to your results, you’ll know what types of content resonate with your audience. Also, you can get their active hours on specific days. TikTok Analytics will provide data about every video you share on TikTok. You can get information such as video views, likes, traffic, average watch time, etc.

Monitor your analytics regularly, analyze the results, and with the help of the data collected, plan your content and marketing strategy.

Final Thoughts: TikTok Content Marketing: How to Use It to Improve Your Business

TikTok is a platform that allows users to be as creative as possible. It includes shareable animated content that entice users to recreate these videos. The perfect marketing campaigns and events on TikTok will allow you to thrive on this platform. When it comes to content creation, you have to pay attention to every aspect and understand your goals and intentions. I hope this article helped you design TikTok content marketing for your business.