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The Road to Wealth - Let the Journey to Wealth Begin Today

It is clear that a poor, miserable person becomes a prosperous and happy person by regulating enrichment behavior.
I just want to believe and cling to Allah and do the following prayers. But of course it won’t work if you’re lazy.
If you want to be rich, you have to live the life of Islam. Let’s see what to do to get rich.

The way to get rich (1)

Hazrat Ibn Umar (RA) narrated that once someone came to serve in Hazrat Akram (PBUH), he said: O Messenger of Allah!
The world abandoned me, I was poor and helpless. Is there any way to save me?
Then Huzoor (SAW) said, where are you? (In this world, not the next) Salat Malaika (Angel’s supplication) and Tasbeehe Khalayek provide food for the angels; where did you get it?
Don’t you know that angels and humans live on the blessings of Dua and prayers for their livelihood? What is the Dua this person is praying for?
Huzoor (SAW) said, “Subhaanallahi wa bihamdihi Subhaanallahil Azimi wa bihamdihi Astagfirullah”.
Meaning: Proclaim the glory of Allah and remember him with songs of praise, proclaim the glory of Allah supreme
I ask for Allah Tallah’s forgiveness and his praise.

This Dua should be recited a hundred times a day before or after Fajr prayer and not during walking or worldly meditation.
Instead, you have to sit in one place and read, and then the world, the world will turn to you, that is, the world will be seen by you as depraved and humiliated by you.
Allah Ta’ala will create an angel according to every word of Allah and assign him to recite Tasbeeh until the Day of Resurrection.
You’ll get it all in return. Then the man left and didn’t come back for a long time.
Then one day he came and asked, O Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), the world came to me in such abundance that I did not know where to put it.
(Subhan Allah)

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Action to Get Rich (2)

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever recites this Dua 1000 times a day, Allah willing, he can become rich in a few days.”
If he recites 70 times after Friday prayers, his financial situation can change in a week if Allah wills.
“Allahummaqfini bi-Halalika an-Haramika waAgnini bi-Fadlika Amman Siwak” (Mongoose)

Getting Rich (3)

This is marriage. Because marriage is a shortcut to getting rich.Allah Tallah promises in the Qur’an that if he marries he will be his own
Please make him rich.

Allah Ta’Allah says, marry the righteous who are unmarried and slaves.
If they are in need, Allah will make them rich by His Grace. Allah is omniscient. (Surah Noor: 32)

Abdullah ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said that Allah Ta’alah encouraged marriage and commanded free men and slaves to marry.
Therefore, he promised them riches. Then he recited the above verse.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that Allah Tallah has the duty to help three people. Jihadists on the path of Allah Ta’ala.
An indentured slave who wanted to break free from his master by collecting wealth under contract. and married people who wish to remain pure (through marriage). (Tirmidhi-1655, Nasa’i-3218, 3120, Sahih Ibn Hibban-4030, Bayhaqi: Sunanul Kubra-13456, 21612; Hadith Hasan)

Action to Get Rich (4)

Whoever does three things, Allah will make him rich:-
1. Always shower.
2. Give in Allah’s way.
3. Hajj

Action to Get Rich (5)

Let’s start with an event. A young man came to Huzur complaining about his poverty. Say, O Messenger of Allah, that I am poor.
I don’t have any necessities. Families cannot afford the cost.
O Rasulullah, I am proud, have mercy on me. Huzoor (PBUH) asks what do you have at home?
He replied, Lord, all I have is a blanket and a cup.
Then the Prophet (pbuh) said, go and bring it. He came into the room and she brought blankets and cups.
He sold it and bought an axe. The Prophet (peace be upon him) himself put his hand on it. And said, take it to pick up wood.
He went to the forest to cut wood and started selling it, and 15 days later he returned to Barega in Khuzur full of joy.
This Allah asked Allah to give me 10 dirhams in 15 days.

Now the Prophet (peace be upon him) told him to divide the 10 dirhams into 3 parts. On the one hand, spend on yourself. spent on relatives.
Spend the rest of the money on the poor.The poorest people in Medina were in Medina in the time of Hazrat Umar
Become one of the richest people.

Can get rich and increase livelihood


Whoever fears Allah, Allah will open a way to salvation for him. And feed him from unexpected places. Qur’an Talaq- 2-3

Tawakkul or Rely on Allah:

He who trusts in Allah is satisfied. Allah will finish his work. Allah has a prescribed standard for everything.[QuranTalaq-3[সূরাতালাক-৩[古兰经Talaq-3[সূরাতালাক-৩

Donate more:

Allah said: “Whoever lends money to Allah, will Allah increase it for him?” Qur’an Baqarah -245

Thank God

And when your Lord says: ‘If you are thankful, I will increase you; if you are ungrateful, I will punish you’. Quran Ibrahim 7

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Then I say seek forgiveness from your Lord. He is very forgiving. He will send you abundant rains, increase your wealth and children, plant your gardens, and make the rivers flow for you. Quran Nuh – 10-12

Strengthen family ties:

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever wishes his food to increase and his life to prolong, he should protect kinship.”
Bukhari Sunnah.

Hope this article on how to get rich through financial growth will help you change your life.

Also read: Friday Virtues and Practices

You are also a missionary of Islam!

Dear Prophet He said: “If anyone calls for advice, as many people follow him and as many people visit him, he will be rewarded as much.”
But the follower’s reward will not decrease. (Hadith Muslim: 2674)

If you have any suggestions or questions, you can comment below, or move if needed.
Written by: Abu Zafar Raju, Ph.D. Research Fellow, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Dhaka
Contact: Facebook – Abu Zafar Raju

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