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The Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Blog Name 2022

Ten Effective Ways to Choose the Right Blog Name and Domain Name in 2022

The stage of choosing the right blog name and domain name is usually the second step right after the idea of ​​starting a blog reaches maturity.
Often first blog names can be very difficult for novice bloggers due to a lack of prior knowledge of what is appropriate and successful at the same time, so I offer this comprehensive guide to choosing the right blog title.
Since a novice blogger doesn’t have enough experience in this broad domain in the first place, he certainly cannot find an index of all blog names in the same domain as his blog (or so-called netch).
The Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Blog Name 2022

Therefore, you will find a lot of people looking for tips on choosing the right blog name, and of course, the blog name will not be the only thing bloggers care about in this step. Conversely, domain names are also used if there is a purpose of monetizing the blog.

Blog names and domain names are often similar or related to each other, so I’ve focused on choosing a name for your blog in this article.

While all the tools and tips are valid for choosing a domain name, there are some differences and things to consider when choosing a domain name. I will explain them in future articles, God bless.

I also briefly explained the choice of a suitable blog name on YouTube in 6 minutes. If you don’t like reading books or want to watch live explanations, you can take a look.

Of course, you are here for the same reason, and your ideas may have produced many different names, but until now you are still confused about the appropriate name for the precious blog that you will work hard on, how to grow, grow, and connect with it Grow your dreams and hopes together.

Well, it’s normal, and I’m almost certain it will happen to any blogger who is thinking of starting a blog that they can profit from in the long run, or who has created an equally great blog. Now let’s leave the theoretical discussion and move on to useful information on choosing a new blog name, which is sure to be the best. It is obvious that you are interested in every little detail of it, which in itself is the most important factor in the success of a blog.

Choosing the Best Blog Name and Domain Name

Before you dive headfirst into the world of words, there are a few things to consider when creating a blog name, and it’s worth taking a moment to consider what your blog name will stand for.By thinking about the following questions, you can get a clearer idea and get closer to the appropriate blog name you will choose

  1. What is your blog about?
  2. Who is your target audience? (also important for SEO)
  3. Are you planning to brand yourself with the same name as your blog?
  4. Are social media names also available?
  5. It won’t do you any favors if you come up with a name that has absolutely nothing to do with your content.
  6. Is that name already used by another blog?
  7. Is your content official and do you treat your audience as customers or in the form of a personal blog where you can treat your audience as friends?
In short, we want to say that, for example, your cool blog title for your company blog is inappropriate for a blog with a fun and snappy style, and will give the wrong impression to readers.
Of course, anyone who wants to build an electronic magazine or even a product marketing website will search for an attractive blog name, and for college students, it is best to choose an English blog name.

Also, Arabic blog titles may be more appropriate when targeting social groups, such as soap operas or sports fans, while girls and women often choose female blog titles, and even designs, colors, symbols, etc. are very suitable. To get closer to tourists, very feminine.

Currently, however, suggesting tech blog names is becoming very difficult due to the large number of pre-booked names, especially since Google’s acceptance of similar sites has become more restrictive.

So we need the perfect name for your blog! Make the name of the blog appropriate in every way.

How to Find and Choose the Right Blog Name [ يمثل اسم علامتك التجارية ]

With the above in mind, it’s time to dig deeper. Below you’ll find 10 proven methods that I’ve personally used to create catchy blog titles that I think you’ll find equally useful.It can be said that it is useful to use more than one method at the same time to choose the name of your blog

1. Use a glossary to get ideas for suitable blog titles

Start by searching for synonyms of your keywords in what you want to offer on your blog to get a catchy name

Browsing through a good thesaurus is better than almost any other way I know of to come up with interesting new words.

Arguably, a thesaurus can be a gold mine of inspiration, especially if you want to say something different.

A quick glance at the word “tip” brings up suggestions like: tips, how-tos, guides – all of which sound more enticing to an ear that understands the most common phrases.

2. Look at your competitors’ blog names to see if they

This may seem easy, but doing research on the types of blogs you will be competing with will give you an idea of ​​the type of name that is right for your blog and be one of the reasons for its success.

You’re not copying anyone, but this might just be the perfect nudge to get those ideas flowing. Regardless, seeing similar names is also a great way to learn about some future competitors.

3. Use an automatic blog name generator (the computer will suggest possible suitable names)

This site that helped me choose a domain name is one of my favorite tools for coming up with interesting word combinations, so I chose a blog name with a domain name.

This creative blog name generator allows you to set your own limits on the type of words you want to generate.

Then all you have to do is click submit and browse through the suggestions.

The great thing about this tool is that not only does it suggest cool names, it also tells you if a .com with that name is already registered by anyone.

Thus taking the pressure off of inventing a cool name only to find it used elsewhere.

Right now, you may be inspired or tired 🙂

Remember, follow these suggestions step by step, and you’ll have a .com domain before you’re done with this article! ]

4. Take inspiration from books and find an appropriate blog name

Who said naming has to be static? Why not take advice from the world’s greatest authors and be inspired by your favorite literature?

With millions of books out there, full of great writing, it won’t take long to find something that inspires and delights you and becomes a potential contender for your new blog.

Do you know any benefits of using this method? Well, let me tell you, this name is usually good for search engines too, because this name will have a lot of search volume in the first place.

5. Consider foreign languages ​​to choose the best blog title

One of my favorite languages ​​now is English, sometimes I mix languages ​​like English and Latin or Arabic and Greek. The way words and syllables flow together to create their meaning is incredibly beautiful. The best example of this is the Aragic blog. You can find out what the blog name means by doing a Google search (what does the word Aragic mean)

If you want to stand out in a saturated market, choosing a non-Arabic abstract word or phrase can be a great way to grab attention. A simple online translator like Google Translate will get you off to a good start. Or you can ask acquaintances for help from foreign language professors or students, or you may speak more than one language, you don’t need any help in this matter 🙂

For creative blog names, try choosing short names with fewer syllables. This will help make your blog name easy to remember and pronounce!

6. Play with words to come up with the perfect blog title

What happens if you’ve come up with the perfect blog name, but it’s already registered elsewhere on the web?

I’m sure we’ve all been there at some point and it’s very frustrating, but don’t forget your favorite name. You can find available domains.

This nifty little tool helps you stay on top of things by providing suggestions that are closely related to the first choice we discussed earlier, so why not try utilizing it in this method of choosing a good blog name, well worth the effort and you bloggers who don’t choose a name every day

You can also go a variety of ways, such as adding or removing suffixes and prefixes, etc., to suggest alternative names that are often better.

[فقط أسدي لي معروفًا ولا تستخدم خطوط فصل مثل – و_ في اسم الدومين ، حسنًا؟] This isn’t very popular with search engines, but it’s not a huge problem.

7. Choose your blog title with humor

Laughter and humor are immune system boosters that help make readers smile. Try to reinforce this by creating a blog title that describes your sense of humor and spaciousness, as this will leave a strong impression and will keep readers coming back to your blog more than once.

While it might not work for more professional blogs, typically ones representing large formal organizations or workgroups, if you have a fun and smart speaking style, it has nothing to lose and it’s worth a try.

Some of the names I’ve seen online using this method include Super Mama and Scribbles

8. Try alliteration, choose a poetic blog name, show your eloquence and high culture

Alliteration, homophony, or other poetic methods can indeed be one of the good ways to find the right blog title, as repeating the same letter or sound will make the name resonate in the reader’s mind, or choosing two related words, such as antithesis To walk or the opposite, you may not realize it, but I bet you use alliteration in your everyday life.

The approach has an almost musical quality, allows sentences to flow seamlessly from word to word, and is incredibly addictive.

Try alliteration when coming up with your blog name, use the same letter for every word in the name.

Might be some ideas, – maybe you can come up with something cooler than me, I’m sure of your abilities just try to use them!

[تذكر استخدام هذه الحيلة في بعض عناوين مدونتك أيضًا]

9. The use of abbreviations is common in choosing domain names and appropriate blog names

Take a moment to think about the companies and brands you know and how many of them are understaffed.

I can think of at least ten, and if I think of more, maybe I can think of more.

Shortcuts are useful because they keep things short and sweet without taking away your branding and identity.

You can abbreviate the entire blog name, or mix it with a half abbreviation and use a word at the end.

10. Use your own name

If you’ve tried all of the above and are at a loss when it comes to choosing a domain name and name for your blog, you can always make yours the default name for naming your first blog.

Many bloggers have achieved great success with blogs of their own name.

Not only will you be able to attribute your name to what you post on the web, but people will also be able to identify you more easily as word spreads.

Note: What if .com is not available?For the name you choose is both a domain name and blog name

For blogging – you need a website and a domain name. This is where problems can arise.

A lot of good names are probably already booked, even if they haven’t been active in years. However, this issue could be a great opportunity to give your website a new look with custom and rare TLDs. like eg. For example, if your target audience is in Egypt.