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The Best Enterprise in Profit Distribution

Which are the best dividend companies?

Determining the best dividend paying company right now depends on several factors, including the company’s reputation, dividend track record, and financial strength.

The Best Enterprise in Profit Distribution
Top 5 companies in profit distribution.

Here are 5 of the best dividend payout companies in the world:

1 – Berkshire Hathaway

Berkshire Hathaway, managed by Warren Buffett, is considered one of the best dividend paying companies because it distributes annual profits to shareholders through distributions of cash dividends and increases in stock value.

2- Apple and iPhone

The famous Apple company and its iPhone is one of the largest companies in the world and the best in terms of dividend distribution, they distribute profits to shareholders through cash dividend distributions, investment plans and stock buybacks.


Microsoft provides shareholders with continuous dividend distribution through cash dividend distribution and stock repurchase plan. Today, Microsoft has become one of the best dividend distribution companies in the world because it provides the best dividend distribution system in the world.

In the following, we introduce you to Microsoft and its dividend system, which makes it one of the best companies for profit distribution:

  • Microsoft is one of the best and most profitable giants in technology and software.
  • Microsoft was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen and is headquartered in Washington State, USA.
  • Microsoft’s business involves a wide range of fields, including software development, electronic hardware and cloud computing services.
  • The company is also known for its major products such as the Windows operating system, Microsoft Office suite, Outlook email service, software development platform Visual Studio, and professional network LinkedIn.
  • Microsoft has also been hugely successful and profitable over the years.
  • Companies regularly distribute profits to shareholders, usually through dividend distributions (dividends).
  • Allocation decisions depend on a variety of factors, such as the company’s financial performance and the company’s future needs, in addition to the rules and regulations of the financial market.
  • Dividends are usually distributed based on the number of shares shareholders own and their stake in the company.
  • Microsoft is trying to maintain the sustainability of its business and the continuity of growth and innovation by investing the majority of its profits in research and development and by acquiring small, innovative companies in the technology space.

4- Visa:

Visa guarantees annual dividend distribution to shareholders by distributing cash dividends.

Visa is the world’s largest company in electronic payments and the best at providing electronic payment processing and settlement services between banks, businesses and individuals.

Here is the most important information about Visa and its preferred dividend distribution system:

  • Visa was founded in 1958 and is headquartered in San Francisco, California.
  • Visa is best known for its famous “VisaNet” system, a profit sharing system that provides the ability to make payments and electronic transactions via the Internet, mobile phones, ATMs, and various plastic payment devices such as credit and debit cards.
  • The Visa Net system consists of a vast electronic network that connects banks and financial institutions around the world, enabling them to direct and organize electronic payments in a fast, easy and secure manner.
  • Profits and revenues of Visa Corporation are distributed to shareholders and investors of their shares through this visanet system, through which payment fees and commissions are collected and distributed among system participants, such as card-issuing banks and stores.
  • Visa is considered to be one of the largest electronic payment companies in the world, processing hundreds of millions of transactions every day, and its network covers more than 200 countries and regions around the world.
  • So far, the company has been committed to providing safe, effective and reliable payment solutions for individuals and investment financial companies to facilitate the development of global trade.

5 – Johnson & Johnson Investments

Johnson & Johnson provides the best annual dividend distribution by distributing cash dividends to shareholders every year. Because of its reliability and credibility in profit distribution, many stock investors trust the company and describe it as the parent company in the field of stock investment.

Determinants of the Best Profit Sharing Companies

There are many factors that can be considered when determining or selecting the best dividend paying company. Here are some of these important factors:

  • Financial Stability: You should always check the stability of the company’s overall financial balance sheet and its ability to generate sustainable profits over the long term. Where you can view a company’s previous financial and earnings reports to get an idea of ​​its financial performance.
  • Capital Policy: You should check the company’s policy regarding dividend distribution and how net profits are used to fund the growth of the company. It is very important for companies to be willing to invest in future projects to grow their activities, rather than distribute all profits to shareholders and maintain the status quo.
  • Size of Return on Investment: Return on investment (ROI) size must also be considered when picking the best dividend companies. The return on investment can be calculated by dividing the annual income by the stock market value and multiplying by 100. It is better to choose a company that offers a good return on investment and is sustainable over the long term.
  • Dividend History: It is also useful to look at a company’s previous dividend history to verify the strength of its commitment to shareholders and the continuity of dividend distributions.
  • Financial Liquidity: It is also important that the company is able to provide the necessary financial liquidity to meet its obligations for cash distributions from profits. Companies with good financial liquidity may be better able to pay cash dividends on a consistent basis.
  • These are some of the factors you can consider when choosing the best dividend paying company.

With all of these factors in mind, you should always be on the lookout for the latest information on potential companies and whether they meet investor expectations in terms of dividend preferences.

Here are some important notes and tips about dividend paying companies:

  • Despite all the advantages and reliable information we have mentioned to you about these companies, you must always remember that the performance of companies in terms of profit distribution may change over time and we cannot assure you that these companies will continue to The preference is to allocate future profits the same as they do now.
  • Therefore, you should always keep an eye on the share prices of these companies and identify the best one by going through several factors that we will mention below.
  • Again, we always advise you, dear investor, to do an extensive search for the best dividend payout companies and seek financial advice or seek the help of a financial market investment expert before making any investment decision in these companies, lest when you start from Any company that makes a profit and understands the size and percentage of dividend payouts in it will let you down.

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