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Macron hosts Schulz and Duda in Paris - 'will create a more united and stronger Europe'

Three politicians have dinner. They talked about military support for a counteroffensive in Ukraine and humanitarian aid. It also concerns the security guarantees for Ukraine to protect its territory. At the July 11-12 NATO summit in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, Ukraine hopes to secure a commitment to join NATO.

Even before the joint deliberations, Duda called: “Ukraine is waiting for a clear signal about the clear prospects of joining NATO.” This is the expectation of Ukraine’s leaders and soldiers defending a country under attack from Russia. He hopes the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius will bring the “light at the end of the tunnel” that Ukraine craves.

Schulz (SPD) said the main effort now was aimed at supporting Ukraine’s defense against Russia. “We will continue to do this for as long as necessary and we are prepared for that.” However, the chancellor said there was merit to the intense debate on safety nets. “We’re going to continue to do this very intensively, and when there’s a shared discussion, it will be done. But one thing is clear: we need something like this, and we need it in a very specific format.”

Macron is also more reserved than Duda. They wanted to talk about “NATO’s support for Ukraine, giving it all the perspective it deserves.” He hoped that the upcoming NATO summit would provide a clear path and a clear vision for the country’s future development. collective security.

“Today in Paris, the three of us wanted to send a very important signal,” Schultz said. The position is clear: Germany, France and Poland stand together and will support Ukraine with arms if necessary. This unity is a strength that Russia cannot count on. “We will create a more united and stronger Europe.”

Macron: War for Russia geopolitical failure

Macron also said the Ukrainian counteroffensive had begun days ago and was expected to last for months. France has recently increased its supply of weapons and ammunition and is still delivering. “There is this counteroffensive. We want it to be as successful as possible in order to start the negotiation phase under good conditions,” Macron said. Russia’s war of aggression has been a strategic and geopolitical failure for Russia.

Duda said there was a consensus: Russia should not win the war. Russian imperialism is suppressed, and Russia can no longer expand its sphere of influence, which is crucial to the European Union.

There is also disagreement over immigration in the EU. “For years, Europe has been paralyzed when it comes to immigration policy,” Macron said. We cannot continue to be held back. Moving forward together is important. We must organize them in a spirit of solidarity. “

Duda emphasized that millions of Ukrainian refugees have flooded into Poland since the outbreak of the Russian war of aggression. Poland is registering increasing numbers of refugees after the struggle intensified. “We don’t get any special help from the EU. We are skeptical about accepting refugees from other regions,” Duda said. Poland will resist penalties.

Schulz countered that Germany also hosts millions of Ukrainian refugees and has always promoted a policy of solidarity. You have to get better at sharing problems.

Everyone wants to insist on dialogue between the three countries. The “Weimar Triangle” discussion format between Germany, France and Poland dates back to 1991 and was launched in Weimar. At the time, Poland and other Eastern European countries were more closely integrated into the EU and NATO as a result of the talks.

Meanwhile, the three-person meeting has almost fallen asleep. Consultations resumed due to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. One meeting was held in February 2022 and another in February 2023 during the Munich Security Conference. The Paris Conference was a continuation of the Munich Conference.

With proxy material.

more: “The EU does not have the cruel, bloodthirsty mentality of China and the United States”