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How To Make Sure Your Blog Gets Accepted By Google Adsense In Just 24 Hours

At first glance, you might think that the title of the article is exaggerated, but the fact of blogging and earning money from Adsense professionals is hidden from you without any ambiguity.Title and introduction are two prerequisites for writing an article in order to increase the percentage click rate And guide the visitor to complete the reading of the article to the last line, I have explained to you in the previous topic how to write a professional article, including the explanation of the title and the introduction section, we will learn about some brilliant solutions in the professional blog The solution is to order and link the articles in a unique way, except for the technique of promise, that is, you promise the visitor a certain benefit, and he will inform you after finishing the article, and each blogger has his own method and style , so today we will decipher or decipher accepted myths in Adsense based on my personal experience.

How To Make Sure Your Blog Gets Accepted By Google Adsense In Just 24 Hours

Is it easy or difficult for Google Adsense to accept bloggers?

Before that, we showed the life cycle of a blogger on Blogger, understanding the stages he went through, and one of the relatively difficult steps was getting accepted in Google Adsense. This frustrates most new bloggers, even a sense of failure, maybe surrender, knowing it’s such an easy step. When you’re looking for a solution to this problem, you might find services like preparing your blog for acceptance in Adsense, making sure your blog is accepted in Adsense…whether it’s a microservices sales site or a Facebook group Group on. And with 5-star ratings and positive reviews from regular customers… do you really think these services are reliable and guaranteed? What magic concoction do they have that can be easily accepted by Adsense? Before answering the question, we must first know whether AdSense is a pirated version, and reject your blog post for fun! Do you think Adsense is arrogant and doesn’t reply you quickly? Do you hate Adsense Arabs? just do it…

Google Adsense acceptance policy for bloggers:

First of all, Adsense does not reject or accept randomly (although this sometimes happens), but has terms and working policies and a large team working according to strict standards and laws. Not only that, but Google is one of the leading companies, even ahead of its time when it comes to projects and work agreements.

Does Adsense intentionally delay the response?

Of course not, AdSense works with a waitlist system from oldest to newest, accepting or rejecting your blog has nothing to do with response delays, but with waitlists…well, can I be on a waitlist? Yes, it is possible for websites and blogs with more visitors. More themes and stronger domain authority take precedence over other blogs.

Do you hate Adsense Arabs?

Let me tell you something that might shock you! Despite its popularity and distribution in the Arab world and Africa, Adsense still hasn’t taken off. The Arab market is decades behind what Adsense has achieved abroad due to huge reasons including ad consumption culture, so Arab companies (not to mention lack of companies), weak internet throughput, slow digital transformation, weak content, Economic stagnation. I wonder if these are all bad things, no good for us! On the contrary, the Arab and African markets are indeed the largest future markets for digital companies including Google Adsense due to the expected technological transformation and prosperity.

So sir, forget about Adsense hating Arab crap, etc…

Most Important Conditions To Accept Your Blog In Google Adsense

Together we will go over the most important factors and reasons that Adsense acceptance for your blog or website depends on, in short, until you understand the topic completely:

How many articles?

  • One of my blogs with 8 themes was accepted.
  • A blog with 124 topics has been accepted.
  • A blog with 24 topics has been accepted.

What conclusions do we draw from this? The number of blog posts is not an acceptance or rejection criterion, but to ensure acceptance, the minimum number of topics I recommend to you is 20 topics and no more than 40 articles.

How many partitions are there?

The section related to acceptance in Adsense! According to my personal experience, this has a direct relationship, I saw a new blog has more than 20 sections, each section contains a topic or 3 topics, empty columns may be the reason for direct rejection. Preferably a blog with 4 sections, each with 5 topics or more.


  • Paid domain names are acceptable.
  • Free domain names are acceptable.

Still, I see a greater chance of acceptance with a paid domain name, and we’ve learned before about the importance of using a paid domain name to build a professional blog. There is also the extension. arj is better than a new domain and has a better chance of being accepted.

domain age?

In my experience, the age of the domain name doesn’t matter, it’s better to be a little old, and the most important thing is to keep it on file.


Necessary to get into Adsense, the most important step in my experience is linking your blog to a webmaster for at least partial archiving, without linking, Google will never know you.


The content you publish must be valuable, creative, and not plagiarized, plagiarism is not acceptable, but copy-pasted websites are acceptable in my eyes, but copying, what we have learned before, will never bring you traffic and leads.

word count?

I totally agree that topics longer than 2000 words are liked by Google, I will tell you that the more content, interest and length the better, Adsense loves directories. This is not a 100 word article possible, however, there are sites that are acceptable in Adsense that are 50 word pages, stores that are acceptable in Adsense, and simple tools that are close to two words, but they are in Adsense been accepted! This means that the rules are not fixed, just like Adsense does not require a certain word count, but requires the content to be creative.

Templates and general shapes?

Template programming has a direct effect on accept or reject, so what’s going on? I’m not talking about the shape of the template, I’m talking about the internal programming. Any site that requires google and all browsers to get the conditions from these conditions, site path or something like that I can’t remember the name of it, if the site path is incorrect or there is a bug that hinders search spiders and bots it’s fatal in the site structure error, so carefully consider the templates you will use and make sure their code is safe.

Look outside? Does acceptance matter?

Your blog is manually reviewed by an expert after the blog passes the auto-completed internal test, so you see a blog with a logo the size of a highway sign lol, and it’s written in Arabic and Chinese, and a moving one the monkey….
Will he accept it? He’ll definitely reject it if he finds the homepage to be a huge blank space + blurry images or repeating themes in the sidebar or…
Appearance plays an important role in acceptance, and what is required for you is that the site is orderly, clear and clear, leaving no gaps and eye-catching things. The goal of a blog is to publish content and topics and enable visitors to read it, nothing more, so keep it simple.

Broken link!

Beware of broken or dead links on your site as they can be the reason for disapproval. For example, you put a favicon but you don’t use it and it doesn’t have a link! There are also links in the article. . .


The most important element that can lead to rejection or acceptance, which is highly controversial, is the image. Some people tell you they have to have your site’s logo and mods…yes, that’s fine. But despite all this, there are blog rejections? The solution, in my experience, that I use personally, it’s like a magic solution is to mention the source of the image and that’s it.
how so? On the privacy policy page, put a paragraph titled Image Source and write a paragraph in Arabic and English stating that all images in the blog are free images from or produced by the website team (your website).
Do image quality, scaling and size matter? Yes, it affects acceptance, not sure about it, but I always recommend that you post images with webp extension and that they are not in a huge size, covering the whole page (for me the best size is 630 / 300) and their size does not exceed 60kB.

Number of visitors?

Who do you think has a higher acceptance rate? A site that gets 100 visits from Google, or a site that doesn’t get any visits at all!To me all you have is visitors Your impulses are more receptive.


Obviously, there are some niches with AdSense (ha-) watching movies and…

Top Tips To Get Your Blog Approved For Adsense Fast

  • The lazy loud and speedfirst attributes are two attributes used to disable or prevent topics and additions in a blog from appearing before clicking or scrolling.
  • Reviewers may see them as flaws rather than strengths, and disable them before acceptance.
  • Disable the right mouse button and prevent copying of content, also disable it until reviewed and accepted.
  • Codes and addons before weather, corona and quran… stay away from them.
  • Specialization plays a big role in acceptance, the more professional the better, not a Mbappe to Real Madrid news, Acornia news, an article on how to clean your skin, and an article on Tik for profit Tok , at $1000 per second.
  • Professionally format articles.
  • Do not submit to Google Adsense while using other advertising platforms.
  • Disable link conversion pages.
  • Do not send any traffic to your website from any paid or free sources.
  • Verify your identity with Adsense.
  • Make sure the language of the blog matches the language of the templates in the code.
  • Make sure there is nothing wrong with the blog.
  • 80% of the static pages without me will not be accepted, namely:
  • Contact us: And don’t just put the contact box in it and it’s still empty, but write something or an introduction in it, for example: You can contact us on such a site via the form below and we’ll get back to you. . . .
  • Who we are: the definition of your website, its goals and specialization…
  • Privacy Policy: The most important page that must appear on your blog is this page and must be available at:
  • Cookie Policy and Links
  • Adsense Advertising Policies and Links
  • Analytics and some important things (contact me, I’ll find a successful one for you, or get it from a website called “Nine” if you qualify).
  • You can add usage policies on another page or merge them with the privacy policy.
  • Since I’m busy and I’m writing automatically from my experience, I may have forgotten something about acceptance, sorry, but the most important thing I mentioned.

Extra stuff:

  • Make a catalog.
  • Auto-advertise before accepting.
  • There’s no better option than AdSense.
  • The webmasters of live streaming, stores, and rss use a guaranteed acceptance method, but unfortunately it is illegal, and I cannot solve it according to my principles.