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He made it through Game 50 for the third time in a are 3 strategies to win • Z

Thank God, I have the grace to do good deeds. From 2020 to 2022, I participated in the Fifty Years Race for three consecutive years. In the first “2020 Edition” race, I rediscovered myself through experience after experience. “My Own Experience” series of articles. In 2021, I will bring readers closer and let them know me. And I try to write various articles in different fields as much as possible so that my readers don’t get bored. Last year, when we decided to talk about e-commerce, the content industry, and content marketing, the challenge became even more daunting.

I won’t keep it a secret from you – as usual – I was very excited when the competition started last year, even though my fears kept haunting me and telling me I was new to the field and I wouldn’t be able to write about my inexperience thing, but I’m excited for two reasons: the first is my desire to study this field since the end of 2021, and the other is my enthusiasm for any new adventure; my best days are in constant challenges moderate passed.

Now let me tell you how I wrote 30,000+ words in a field where I know nothing, nothing but generic terms, and here I’m not only going to talk about the game, I’m going to tell you Some amazing strategies that will help you. Anyone who wants to join us for this year’s 50th marathon and write 50 articles in any field without discomfort or even the feeling of “writer’s block”.

1. Don’t put off today’s work until tomorrow

There is a sentence that I say every day:

Do you know why you can’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today?

because you have to start over

Whenever you put off a task to be done today, you will find yourself looking back at what you did yesterday to activate your memory tomorrow; so they say: don’t put off today’s work until tomorrow, because you have to start all over again.

2. Divide tasks into five phases

Dividing any task, especially a difficult one, can help you reduce stress while completing tasks accurately and efficiently. There’s nothing like a writing assignment, especially when it’s tied to a deadline. So grab a pen and paper and let’s write a strategy to get 50 articles done by December, God bless:

  • Phase 1: Don’t look up when you land

At the beginning of any road in your life, you only look at the destination once and you know the shortest path to get there, but in the process of executing it, you don’t look at it because you feel as if you are in it. East, the finish line is in Morocco; so don’t say to yourself: “Oh, there are 49 articles left, that’s a big number.” Instead, say: There are only 9 articles left, thank God, I will finish Top ten articles.

  • Phase Two: Writing the Title of the Article

For example, let’s say you decide to finish 10 articles per month, then you have to know which topic you will be writing about, and since last year’s competition was about e-commerce and content writing, you won’t have a problem navigating this space, at least you will Increase your expertise in this area; therefore, grab a piece of paper and a pen, and write down the titles of ten articles.

  • Phase 3: Theme or Mind Map

After writing the headline, look for 5 or more axes that cover various aspects of the topic while organizing your thoughts, rather than writing the essay as an expressive topic that bores the reader.

  • Phase Four: Statistics and Figures

Last year, I talked about e-commerce accounts, but I was not satisfied with myself when I received an email from the site asking me to add a source. I never forget to add sources in all my research and cite them in Al-Jumhuriya’s article, but I forget to add them before sending the article for review. So don’t forget to add references and sources, especially if your article contains outdated statistics.

  • Stage Five: Introduction and Conclusion

My fate with writing began on January 13, 2010, that is to say, I have spent more than 13 years in this field, but until now I still write and polish my introduction, so that I The hand remembers the position of the arrow symbol above. The Enter key does not just remember the position of the letters of my name on the keyboard; so, I suggest that you write the introduction to the end, at least your mind is already programmed, and as for the conclusion, just Worry not; for its letters will flow from your hands like water.

3. Activate your mental, cultural and language skills

I once told my readers that writing is a hard but fun occupation, that to write a letter you must first read a thousand letters. Writing and reading are two sides of the same coin. Do you remember the first piece of advice I gave you when we were talking about ways to learn a new language? I told you that fluency depends on the amount of time you spend listening to the language; similarly, you won’t be able to master writing unless you improve your language and intellectual skills and develop yourself through intensive reading.

In summary

Nothing is fixed in this life, in a sense, everything I tell you I have done, or maybe I will increase or decrease it, but for sure, no matter how different the way, reach the goal, the result — God willing — will be the same, and that’s what it’s made of; so believe in God, I know that the beginning is difficult, but trust that the end will be satisfying; nothing beats the “Z” editorial team in an article There are even better things to come to your name, telling you that you were a hardworking student who went above and beyond and achieved extraordinary things.

also for you