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Guarantee 5 years in Australia 2023

5 year guarantee in Australia

Australia has continuously opened its doors to legal immigrants through a variety of methods, the most prominent of which is the five-year guarantee system, provided that the person has been harmed for any of the following reasons:

  • If the petitioner is living abroad due to force majeure and cannot return there.
  • If he suffers from religious, racial, political or other forms of persecution.
  • His country suffers from constant natural disasters like volcanoes, earthquakes, etc.
  • A civil war or war with other countries threatens the stability of his family in their homeland.

Conditions for settling in Australia through guarantors

The Australian Government has established a series of controls that define the funding and immigration system to Australia through a sponsor, including the following:

  • The sponsored person must be a first-degree relative in Australia.
  • In case the person has no relatives, he can make an agreement with an organization or group to sponsor him.
  • The Australian government’s approval of his application to sponsor him confirms his protection from any harm caused to him within its borders and provides financial support to sponsored person.
  • All people who come to Australia legally are granted a subclass 866 permanent protection visa.
  • Individuals who illegally enter Australia are also provided with temporary protection by the Australian government, of two types:
    • first type : Temporary production visa 785.
    • The second type : Safe haven visa.
  • In the case of a temporary protection visa, you will not be able to get a permanent protection visa.

Reasons for refusal of sponsorship application in Australia

There are a number of reasons on the grounds that it is forbidden to accept applicants for a five-year grant in Australia, for example:

  • That the person is wanted by Interpol.
  • In case he is wanted for violations of social ethics, such as harassment and rape.
  • Suspected of committing sabotage, terrorism or drug trafficking.
  • If he is a member of any association engaged in actions that distort the image of his country or any other country.
  • Evade any judicial judgment or have a clean criminal record against the sponsored person.

Documents required to get bail in Australia

In case the sponsorship application is submitted in Australia and the application is accepted, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • A copy of the passport (pages showing the start date, end date and personal information of the sponsored person).
  • Copy of the national identity card of the sponsored person in the home country.
  • Submit a letter in English explaining the reason for the bail request, along with providing proof of that.
  • Copies of children’s birth certificates or marriage certificates.
  • Some personal photos have sponsors’ names on them.
  • All required documents are required to be translated into English for submission to the Australian Embassy.

View this index Asylum in Australia – Find out all about asylum in Australia

Submit your asylum application to Australia through a sponsor

An application for asylum in Australia can be submitted through an embassy sponsor, in addition to applying electronically, as follows:

  • Enter the link to apply for sponsorship in Australia from This .
  • Record the necessary data and attach the documents related to the service.
  • Pay an application fee of up to A$40.
  • After you are answered, you will undergo a medical examination and then attend a personal interview at the embassy to determine acceptance or rejection.

Sponsorship for 5 years in Australia contributes to creating good living opportunities for those who cannot find favorable opportunities in their homeland, especially those who suffer psychological, moral and physical abuse and have to flee to Australia or elsewhere. to be protected. such harms occur to them, provided that all of this is done under conditions expressly determined by the competent Commission, and with the sponsorship of 5 persons of Australian or ordinary nationality. reside in Australia.