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Everything You Need to Know About Cyber ​​Security

Cyber ​​security is one of the most important fields of today’s era as the world faces increasing threats of cyber attacks. This is to protect electronic systems, networks and data from unauthorized and malicious intrusion. To ensure that articles are based on correct and accurate information on this important subject, we will rely on real data and actual statistics.

According to a report released by the Global Cyber ​​Security Foundation, the number of cyber attacks has increased significantly in recent years. The percentage of successful penetrations increased to approximately 67%, indicating the escalating risk of these attacks. In 2020 alone, more than 4 million cyber attacks were recorded globally, reflecting new threats to cyber systems.

The report also identifies which sectors are most vulnerable to cyberattacks, as financial, banking and business systems are among the most affected. A study by an international company specializing in cybersecurity found that 40% of all cyberattacks target this area in particular.

In response to this danger, countries and businesses have made great efforts to strengthen cybersecurity. Extensive measures have been taken to strengthen encryption and comprehensive data protection. In 2019, a global initiative to achieve cybersecurity was launched, which includes strategic cooperation between countries and institutions to better respond to cyber threats.

Therefore, there is no doubt that cybersecurity is a real challenge that must be seriously faced. Real data may be our way of gaining a deeper understanding of this challenge and taking appropriate action to ensure the integrity of our networks and systems.

What does cybersecurity mean?

Cybersecurity is the protection of computers, networks, software applications, critical systems and data from potential digital threats. Organizations have overall responsibility for protecting data to maintain customer confidence and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Organizations employ cybersecurity measures and tools to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access and prevent any disruption to business operations due to unwanted cyber activities. Cybersecurity is achieved by simplifying the digital defenses between the people, processes and technologies used in an organization.

Why is cybersecurity important?

The importance of cybersecurity is paramount for companies that use digital systems and high-speed connections in various fields. Unlike physical assets, it is vital to secure digital assets and secure systems from any unauthorized access. Hacking and accidental access to a computer system or network can lead to a cyber attack known as “cyber hacking.” Cybersecurity is about defending against and preventing cyberattacks.

The types of attacks that cybersecurity is trying to protect against

Cybersecurity teams seek to surround and defend against the many existing and new threats to computer systems and reduce their negative impact in different ways. These threats include:

  • malicious software: Create malware that allows unauthorized access to sensitive information or disrupts the proper functioning of infrastructure.
  • ransomwareThey are used to extort money from entities, can compromise critical computer systems and encrypt data, often requiring a fee to unlock it.
  • man-in-the-middle attack: Attackers try to gain unauthorized access to communications in the network during data exchange and increase the security risk of sensitive information.
  • PhishingIt is a cyber threat that uses social engineering techniques to trick users into obtaining sensitive personal information and can lead to the download of malware onto corporate devices.
  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks: Overwhelms the server by sending a flood of bogus requests and prevents legitimate users from connecting or accessing the targeted server.
  • insider threatThis is a security risk posed by malicious individuals within an organization who can access and disable critical computer systems or exploit them for malicious purposes.

Protect against cyber threats

There are several effective ways to protect yourself from cybersecurity threats by following some basic procedures, which can be summarized as follows:

  • use strong passwordsPasswords with multiple letters, numbers, and symbols should be used and changed periodically for added security.

  • delete sensitive filesDelete any sensitive files or personal data that contain private information, and avoid saving sensitive information on unsecured devices.

  • Do not open suspicious emailsYou should avoid opening suspicious emails that ask you to enter sensitive information.
  • update antivirus softwareAntivirus software should be updated regularly to protect against viruses and malware.
  • Use a trusted Wi-Fi networkYou must use a safe and reliable Wi-Fi network and avoid using public or unauthorized Wi-Fi networks.

  • Regularly update the operating systemOperating systems must be updated regularly to avoid problems and vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers.

How are cyber attacks carried out?

There are many means of conducting cyberattacks, which may vary in form and nature. Among these methods, the most important ones are as follows:

  • spywareThese malicious programs target electronic systems and steal sensitive information without the owner’s knowledge.
  • VirusThese malicious programs infect electronic systems and cause damage to them, such as deleting files or disabling the system.
  • malicious softwareThese programs are used to disable electronic systems and prevent them from working properly.

  • email robotIt is a malicious program used to electronically attack and manipulate electronic systems.
  • PhishingThis is one of the most dangerous methods in cybercrime, as phishing techniques are used to lure victims into a fraudulent trap.

  • ransomwareThese are malicious programs used to blackmail victims and force them to pay money or provide sensitive information.

  • false adwareThese programs are used to manipulate users and lure them into false advertisements.

Tips for protecting against cybersecurity attacks and threats

Keeping your network safe should be your top priority. If you want to keep your personal data safe, the following tips can help you:

  • Do not reveal any important personal information online, such as your ID, name or email address.
  • Please be wary of clicking on links sent to you in anonymous messages via email or any other channel, as these links may be harmful and contain malware.
  • Be sure to keep your software and technical applications updated to the latest versions, update your Windows systems and smartphone systems, develop your technical knowledge and keep abreast of the latest developments in the field.

  • Avoid using your personal information (such as your ID or name) to generate passwords, as hackers can use this information to gain access to your account.
  • Open spam emails carefully and avoid them as much as possible because these emails may contain malicious programs that may lead to the infiltration of your device.
  • Do not download any files received by email from unknown persons, as they may contain malicious programs.

  • Do not trust anyone who communicates with you and tricks you into saying they know you well, as this person could be a hacker trying to blackmail you or obtain personal information about you.
  • Do not allow anyone to use your phone or computer, as this person may have access to important data or information about you that could cause you harm.
  • Always remember that no organization asks clients for confidential information over the phone, so you should be careful not to share any important personal information.

Benefits of Cyber ​​Security

The benefits of cybersecurity are evident in many ways, the most important of which are:

  1. business protectionCybersecurity protects companies and institutions from electronic attacks and data breaches that many websites and electronic systems face. This prevents loss of data and money, preserves the company’s reputation and increases customer and investor confidence.
  2. Data and Network ProtectionCybersecurity protects data and networks from hacking and theft, protecting personal and financial information of users and companies.
  3. Prevent unauthorized user accessCyber ​​security protects systems from unauthorized access, thereby preventing hackers and hackers from accessing information and data stored by a company.
  4. Reduce system recovery time after a breachIf a system is compromised, cybersecurity can help restore the system quickly and efficiently, preventing data loss and other damage.
  5. business continuityCyber ​​Security: Maintain business continuity and availability of services to customers and users even in the event of a cyber attack.
  6. Increase confidence in your company’s reputationCybersecurity helps build a good reputation for a company and increases trust among developers, partners, customers, and stakeholders.

To sum up, cybersecurity plays a vital role in protecting electronic information and systems and keeping them safe from increasing cyber-attacks. Therefore, all individuals and companies must take the necessary steps to ensure online security, whether it is using computer and network protection programs, or applying the necessary security standards to protect electronic data and systems. Taking these steps protects information and preserves the company’s reputation, and brings security and confidence to users and investors. Therefore, everyone should seriously consider protecting their systems and keeping them safe.